Where Are the Most Expensive Chateaux in France?
Originally posted on & updated on 29th October, 2024
By comparing the luxury real estate listings on its website, the SeLoger Group has calculated the average selling price of a castle in France. As usual, location remains the main valuation factor for this type of real estate.
Unsurprisingly, the Provence-Alpes-Côte d’Azur region has the highest score with an average price of almost €3,9M euros, followed by Île-de-France (€3,4M euros). Conversely, Auvergne is at the bottom of the pack (€1M) followed by Midi-Pyrénées in the Occitanie region (€1,1M).
However, there are disparities within these regions; the Haute-Savoie beats all records with an average price of over 5,5M euros, while here at MFH, the most popular area is the Loire Valley where the average budget is €1.5M euros.
In real life, the investment is more substantial since most (if not all) chateaux require some degree of upgrading or modernising (if not a project), and need to add between 20,000 to 150,000 euros per annum in maintenance and gardening costs, depending on the size of the property, the land and your personal taste.
There’s been fewer chateaux/historic properties coming to the market this year; many have been sold and there’s not been the usual influx in spring with the pandemic starting. While interest, enquiries and sales for these historic properties and estates keeps increasing, year after year after year.
Discover our collection of French chateaux and real estate, and contact us to tell us about your requirements. We may have an “off-market” opportunity that we cannot publish on the website and may be just perfect for you.