Compulsory Boiler Service and Thermostat Check

Originally posted on & updated on 17th December, 2024

Compulsory Boiler Service and Thermostat Check

Here’s some fresh property news just in concerning all owners of property in France and future buyers. There are new rules coming into place to improve boiler efficiency, this is part of the winters energy saving campaign from the French governement, as announced at the assembly a couple of years ago.

Compulsory Annual Boiler Service

The compulsory annual boiler service will now include verification of thermostat in full working order. This order was issued in the Official Journal of 25 November 2022 and is part of the Government’s energy-sobriety plan. This new measure applies to all boilers; for an individual property/dwelling, a group or a business, regardless of the energy type used. Heat pumps, ventilation heaters and air conditioning are also included.

It is acknowledged that poorly adjusted boilers and heating equipment causes significant energy overconsumption (8% to 12% according to the Ministry of Ecological Transition). In addition, boilers that are not serviced regularly produce more greenhouse gases and pollutants.

Professional Thermostat Check

The professional/artisan/chauffagiste who looks after your boiler will need check whether your device is equipped with an automatic temperature control system (thermostat) and if it is set correctly along with the insulation of the whole system.

Take a look at the article in full on the service public website, and take action if you havent already. Likewise for your electricity set-up that will cost you extra money in 2025 if you don’t have a Linky meter set up in your property.

Tips to Save Money

And to save more money on your property in France, make sure you check the renewal date for your house insurance, as it’s usual automatic and you can save cash on currency too when buying euros for a property of for business compared to your bank.

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