Our Chateau Escape from Everyday American Life

Originally posted on & updated on 5th June, 2024

Following on from Sharons successful chateau story, this weeks’ article is from a couple of happy France loving American customers who secured their dream chateau in the Auvergne-Rhone-Alpes this year. Their love of France, the culture and the language contributed immensely throughout the buying process. See what they have to say about the chatelain and country living, French style ...

Dream Comes True for American Citizens

“Owning the Chateau has been a dream come true. The property provides us a serene sanctuary and escape from our everyday lives. And the Chateau itself is absolutely enchanting.  

As an American citizen and a foreigner in France, one has to be patient, as things move a bit slower in rural France. AND one needs to remember, it is us that need to adjust, not the country. And I’m reminded that a slower life can be better.

If one is going to use the property as a vacation or second home, it is important to find a competent and reliable house manager to look after the many things that occur with properties while gone. We were fortunate to find one who has made the transition to owning a property in France much easier.

Lastly, I recommend knowing French and if one doesn’t, learn it. Making an attempt to communicate in this beautiful language will be appreciated by the locals, even if one butchers the prononciation.

Nous nous considérons très chanceux et sommes ravis de posséder une maison dans ce beau pays.”

Ready for your Château Escape?

Like Kevin, don’t miss out on your own dream chateau or estate, sign up to receive our property alerts and/or newsletters. If you have specific project and area in mind send us an email with details outlining your project. But don’t delay, there are fewer historic properties on the market having be en vogue in recent times thanks (in part) to Dick and Angel from the famous TV series.

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