Guide to School and Public Bank Holiday Dates in France
Originally posted on & updated on 24th January, 2025
French schools have five holidays during the year: All Saints ‘autumn’ break, Christmas, winter break, spring holiday (Easter), and the summer holiday. These breaks are usually two weeks long, except for summer holidays which last eight weeks. This year, the summer school holiday in France will start on 5th July 2025.
School and Bank Holidays
What is a Jour Férié in France?
Jours fériés are the equivalent of Bank holidays in the UK, they start with le Nouvel An (New Years Day) on January 1st with the last one at the end of the year, Christmas Day or Jour de Nöel, naturally on December 25th.
Labour Day, celebrated on May 1st, is the only mandatory non-working day for all employees in France. Work is scheduled for that day only in certain establishments and services, such as hospitals and public transport, where work cannot be interrupted due to the nature of their activity. This day is reserved for rest and relaxation for most workers, and only those in critical industries continue to work. Professionals and employees are entitled Bank Holiday pay after one month’s employment.
Most companies and shops are shut on Bank holidays, if you are travelling or planning to eat out, plan carefully, especially if you have younger or older relatives with you. Check the traffic routes and note bank holidays are often used to create extended three or sometimes, four-day breaks. The French call it Le Pont, or bridge, are the masters at creating extended weekends, it’s a national sport!
Official French Bank Holidays
There are eleven official Bank Holidays most of which are celebrated across the country, here’s the list of all the French ‘jours fériés’:
- New Year’s Day - January 1st
- Easter Monday
- Labour Day - May 1st
- VE Day Victory 1945 - May 8th
- Ascension - May 9th
- Pentecost Monday - May 21st
- National Day - July 14th
- Assumption - August 15th
- All Saints’ Day - November 1st
- Armistice 1918 - November 11th
- Christmas - December 25th
- There’s no Boxing Day
French School Holiday Dates
Autumn and Christmas School Holiday 2025
This year, school will break on 5th July (2025) for the summer holidays (typically eight weeks), after which children and pupils will return to the classrooms the first week of September (Monday 1/9 in 2025). The next break is the ‘autumn break’ called La Toussaint, All Saints, for 2 weeks, from end of October to the start of November (18th/10 to 3rd/11 in 2025). Followed by the ‘vacances de Noel’, or Christmas holidays with schools shutting on 20th of December 2025, to reopen in the New Year on Monday 5th Jan 2026.
Things get a little complicated for the next two holidays, the winter holidays (in February) and easter break (usually April), both for two weeks. To accommodate holiday makers in the cold months, and encourage access to the mountains and winter sports, the country gets split into three zones, to stagger the dates and help with road traffic.
Winter and Easter School Holiday Zones 2025
ZONE A : Lyon, Bordeaux, Besançon, Clermont-Ferrand, Dijon, Grenoble, Limoges and Poitiers. In 2025, the winter holidays are from 22nd February until 10th March, and the Easter holidays are from 19th April until the 5th May 2025.
ZONE B : Aix-Marseille, Lille, Nantes, Rennes, Strasbourg, Amiens, Normandie, Nancy-Metz, Nice, Orléans-Tours and Reims. In 2025, the winter holidays are 24th February until 11th March and the Easter holidays are from 5th until the 22th April 2025.
ZONE C : Paris, Créteil, Versailles, Montpellier and Toulouse. In 2025, the winter holidays are from 15th of February until the 3rd of March, and the Easter holidays are from the 12th until the 28th April 2025.
Useful Information and Summer 2025
The summer school holidays begin on Saturday, July 5, 2025. The following year, school holiday will start on Saturday, July 4, 2026.
- The holidays start after classes on the indicated days.
- Classes resume on the morning of the indicated days
- The holidays begin on Friday after classes for students who do not have classes on Saturday.
- Students will not have classes on Friday, May 30, 2025, and Saturday, May 31, 2025.
The school calendar for 2024-2025 was set by a decree published in the Official Journal on December 7th, 2022, for more information visit the service public website. Read our comprehensive guide to learn about other aspects of living and working in France. If you are planning a trip to view properties, we invite you to learn how to find your dream French property.