Digital Cohesion Broadband Internet Cable Support

Originally posted on & updated on 2nd June, 2024

When potential and future buyers enquire about a property, one of the most common questions we receive is about the quality and type of internet service available. Nowadays, fast and reliable internet access is necessary for everyone, especially families with children who work from home or run a gîte business. In the past, some expats in rural France had to rely on unreliable internet services or invest in satellite internet. The network has vastly improved in recent years and is rapidly expanding.

According to the forecast, fibre optic network-based cable internet will become more prevalent across France by 2025. Until then, the Government is providing aid for installing high-performance broadband internet access, ranging from €150 to €600, subject to certain conditions.

What is Digital Cohesion?

As part of the project to transition to very high-speed Internet, the French Government is putting in place financial assistance to facilitate access to very high-speed Internet. They have named it the “Digital Cohesion of Territories” scheme which is aimed to provide financial support targeted at individuals and households who don’t have access to broadband cable.

The Digital Cohesion consists of financial support that covers equipment costs, installation and commissioning of a wireless internet access solution. French operators offer several wireless solutions for people who do not yet have access to cable internet:

  • radio local loop (using an antenna on the roof)
  • satellite dish or receiver
  • fixed 4G (using a box dedicated to receiving 4G)

How Much Support is Provided? To Whom?

Help can range from €150 - €600, depending on your personal and family circumstances.

  • Support of up to €150 in the ultramarine territories for a good broadband offer (download speed of at least 16 megabits per second)
  • Support of up to €300 for a Superfast Broadband Speed (download speed of at least 30 megabits per second) offer
  • support of up to €600 for a superfast Broadband Speed offer (download speed of at least 30 megabits per second) means-tested.

There is no action to be taken, the operator is responsible for deducting the state contribution from your installation costs.

Who is Eligible for the Digital Cohesion Scheme?

The offer is for individuals and companies without access to fibre/cable broadband service or an internet connection with a speed greater than 16 megabits per second. All municipalities are eligible for the scheme. To find out if you are eligible, visit the Arcep website and check the maximum download speed of your address.

To qualify for support of up to €600 on a Superfast High-Speed internet offer, a family quotient (CAF or MSA) must be shown less than €700 per month or be entitled to one of the following minimum social security benefits:

  • AAH (Disabled Adults Allowance)
  • ADA (Allowance for Asylum Seeker)
  • AER-R (Replacement Pension Equivalent Allowance)
  • ARFS (Assistance for Family and Social Reintegration)
  • ASI (Supplementary Invalidity Allowance)
  • SSA (Specific Solidarity Allocation)
  • ATA (Temporary Standby Allocation)
  • AV (Widow’s Allowance)
  • Minimum Old Age (ASV - Supplementary Old Age Allowance and Aspa - Solidarity Allowance for the Elderly)
  • RSA (Active Solidarity Income)
  • RSO (Overseas Solidarity Income)

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