Takeaway Heaven in France
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The days are slowly getting longer, the sun is warmer, and spring is on the way. Until the weather warms up and permits lighter dishes and al-fresco dining, there’s nothing like enjoying an evening takeaway treat in front of the TV. But can you get a fish and chips in the heart of southwest France? In this month’s blog, join Beth, our resident storyteller, as she shares her delightful discoveries and experiences with takeaways that promise to make your evening by the fireplace all the more relaxing and indulgent. You won’t want to miss this month’s scrumptious article on our French blog!
“Love our lives here in rural France though we do, just occasionally, one of us yearns for a takeaway. For my hubby, Jack, there’s no denying that he misses his good old British fish and chips, and I miss being able to order a delivery takeaway to munch in front of the telly after a hard week’s work. With this in mind, you’ll imagine how excited we were when we discovered that all is not lost on the culinary guilty pleasure front.
British Fish and Chips in France
By accident, we came across a family-run company that travel around a pre-designated route selling fish and chips, cooked to order from their van. It only took a moment’s research to discover that they are one of several businesses operating in France that offer authentic, typically British Fish and Chip shop food on a similar basis.
The ordering process is simple. We subscribed to the company’s website mailing list. Each month, they publish the dates and towns they’ll visit, and all we need to do is pre-order online and turn up at the designated time. It’s also possible to buy without ordering, but customers will need to wait, which is never too inconvenient with bars nearby. So that’s fish, chips and the usual menu options you’d find in a British chippy.
Pizza à la Boulangerie
Still on the hunt for other quality options, I was delighted when a bakery opened in our closest village; better still, they renovated an ancient pizza oven and now offer pizza à emporter, takeaway pizza. We order in advance, either online or by telephone, and nip over to the boulangerie to pick up our piping hot, ready-cooked pizza. Heaven.
Equally delicious is the pizza au four a bois (wood-fired pizza). Catering vans equipped to create and sell these pizzas circulate in some areas of France. Sadly, we don’t have any near us, but I’m assured the flavours of these specially prepared pizzas are delicious.
Market Takeaways
Bigger towns feature the usual McDonald’s and Burgher King-type outlets and Chinese restaurants, but if you don’t fancy them, there are other options.
A selection of freshly cooked takeaway foods, such as roast chicken and pork, can be found at local grocery stores such as Leclerc. Charcuterie counters are also a great place to browse for lasagne, boeuf bourguignon, and other family favourites. But for me, the best is usually found in the markets.
The larger markets, particularly during summer, include chefs offering street food cooked in giant woks. It’s a fun way to try different flavours. Our favourite is more traditional. ‘The Chicken Man’ arrives at our market every Monday and cooks chickens on rotissieres from his van. With an onion-laced gravy brewing beneath, his meat is a treat.
Missing the Taste of Home?
For those Brits who really do miss the ‘taste of home’, several online companies sell British food and products. (I know, when in France it’s a sin to discuss foreign food alternatives, but needs must.) We occasionally use a business based in Ireland. They offer an extensive range of excellent fresh and packaged food, and the more you buy, the less you pay on delivery charges. We’re fans.
So, even though we live in an area that is too remote for anyone to deliver, we do have options for those times when a great quality takeaway meal is the only thing that will hit the spot.”
Finding a Vindaloo in these parts of France won’t be easy, but in larger villages and towns, you should be able to find international food like Chinese, Vietnamese, Spanish, Portuguese, and Moroccan; some will offer takeaway and/or delivery services. If you know anyone running a takeaway service in France aimed at expats, they should consider listing your services on ALLO FRENCH, our business directory. It’s free!
Merci, as always, Beth, that chippy menu made me smile, especially the mini-camemberts! Of course, Brits don’t move to France to have Fish and Chips but for the unique and more relaxed lifestyle, the country has to offer, including French food. If you are looking for British food, you may want to consider buying a property in Spain. Discover Beth’s best-selling books on her website for more real-life stories in France.