French Property Blog - Advice, Tips and News

For anyone who doesn’t know the Tarn , it’s a department located in the Midi-Pyrenees region of South West France. It gets its name from the River Tarn that runs through the department. It’s creation in…
When you make the move to France, one of the first things you’re likely to need to get sorted out is insurance. When you sign with the Notaire to take ownership of your French property, you must have your house insurance…
Gers (or Gascony), is located in Occitanie region the south west of France and in its official definition takes in an enormous expanse of land stretching from Bordeaux and Bayonne in the west, across to Toulouse in the east.…
Although France is a big country, globally there’s only an estimated 129 million French speakers. What this means is that most switched on French parents want their offspring to speak another language and most business…
When it comes to earning a living in France, depending on your general skills as well as your French language skills, your choices may be limited. But one choice that is open to anyone who is sociable, good with people and…
Freelancing is a great way to secure yourself an income for your new life in France. If you’re thinking of moving to France with a young family or ahead of retirement, then the chances are that you’ll need to…
If you’re a few years short of retirement or a young family yearning to move to France but keep being put off by the fact that you feel as if you might struggle to make enough income when you get there, today’s…
In recent weeks our blog has focused on the healthcare system in France, in this article we explore the best ways to choosing your Top-Up Health Insurance cover. While this isn’t one of the more glamorous parts of…
If you’re planning a new life in France, you’re sure to have done lots of research and will be facing many decisions, but one really important aspect of this adventure is often ignored until it’s too late.…